What Cecil the Lion’s Tragic Death Can Teach Us About Passion – in Activism & Career

African Lion with quoteBy Paula Fitzsimmons

The tragic death of Cecil, the lion killed outside of Zimbabwe’s Hwange National Park has sparked outrage. And rightly so. Trophy hunting – the killing of an animal for the sake of “sport” – is despicable in its own right. What adds to this fury is that Cecil was apparently beloved, and according to National Geographic, one of the region’s best known and most studied lions. And with fewer than 21,000 lions remaining in Africa (according to African Wildlife Foundation) how can trophy hunting even be justified?

Why You Shouldn’t Feel Guilty About Getting Paid to Help Animals

Tree with Bunny Rabbit & BluebirdBy Paula Fitzsimmons

Have you ever noticed how some people bristle at the idea of a nonprofit worker getting paid a salary? As if dedicating one’s life to animals, the environment, or some other worthy charitable cause means the work should be done strictly on a volunteer basis.

It’s not as if people who work for animal charities are motivated by greed and profit. Like anyone else, they just want to be able to earn a living. Most of us have expenses, and unless you’re the rare recipient of a lavish trust fund, I’ll assume you do, too.

So why do some feel the need to begrudge charity workers?