Essential Job Skill: Speaking Up for Animals

Essential job skill - speaking up for animals

By Paula Fitzsimmons

If you want a career advocating for animals, you’ll need to get comfortable speaking out for them. Being their voice is an enormous responsibility, and can feel intimidating, but learning a few basic skills can help you speak out effectively . . .without losing your sanity in the process.

Some careers require more advanced communication skills than others – a public relations manager will obviously need to speak out more than an animal caregiver, for instance. Regardless of your position, you’ll need decent communication skills, because you’re representing not only yourself, but an entire organization.

Practicing even one of these tips can make a difference.

Stop Comparing Yourself to Other Activists – It’s a Group Effort

Colorful tree with activist quote

By Paula Fitzsimmons

This past week I was again reminded of just how harmful comparing myself to others can be, and how it often leads to feelings of inadequacy. I had been pleased with recent accomplishments, when on one of these particular days I chose to spend a few free moments browsing Facebook.

Peppered in with the regular stories of planetary abuses were welcome news pieces: Shell had halted its plans to drill in the Arctic; Eco Activists for Governance and Law Enforcement (EAGLE) activists were instrumental in busting yet another wildlife trafficker; various wildlife centers had rehabilitated and released animals to their wild homes . . .to name a few.  Among these were posts from friends and others touting their own – or their organizations’ – successes.