Vet School Not An Option? Consider These Alternative Careers

Dog with alternative to vet careers

By Paula Fitzsimmons

If your dream of becoming an animal doc is not attainable, don’t feel too badly  . . .veterinary medicine is not for everyone. Relatively few are able or willing to commit to years of post-graduate training or take on tuition debt.

Luckily, you have other options.

If you want to help heal animals, don’t let your skills and compassion go to waste. Consider these alternative careers, which require a fraction of the education, training, and tuition expense.

The Best Animal Lover Jobs . . . for Introverts, Independent Spirits, & Idea People

ButterfliesBy Paula Fitzsimmons

I love alone time. Having the personal space and time to devour a good book, think, create, and daydream is part of who I am. According to research, including that performed by the mother-daughter team of Katharine Briggs & Isabel Briggs Myers – creators of the MBTI® personality inventory – my temperament leans towards the introverted side.

Introverts tend to be independent spirits. We’d rather be – and are often more productive when – working solo or in smaller groups . . .this is when we’re in our element.

This isn’t a data-backed statement, but I suspect the animal welfare community, as a whole, gravitates to the indie side.