Not Getting Job Offers? Several Reasons Why

Owl - get job offers from animal organizations

By Paula Fitzsimmons

Rejection stings, especially when it involves a job you really wanted or thought you’d be perfect for.

It’s essential that you learn to not take rejection personally . . .easier said than done, I know.  But getting turned down for a job isn’t a reflection of who you are or what you have to offer.

For one, you’re competing against dozens and even hundreds of other applicants – one hiring manager at an animal nonprofit recently told me she and her coworkers receive thousands of applications per year.

There are any number of other reasons why you may not be getting your dream job or called back for interviews. I’ve outlined a few of the big ones below.

Get Ready for the New Year: 9 Career-Boosting Activities to Start Now

Career boosting ideas for animal lovers 2017

By Paula Fitzsimmons

Hiring patterns change throughout the year. It’s not a hard-and-fast rule, but certain periods, like December, traditionally see slower activity, with a general uptick in hiring during January and February. Based on data from the Animal Jobs Digest Jobs section, animal care and protection jobs tend to follow this same pattern.

Why not use these slower times to prepare for the new year? You don’t need to try each of these – especially not all at once. But doing even one of these can potentially increase your chances of finding your dream animal job.


Reach Out to Potential Employers with a Letter of Introduction

Letter of introduction - Use LOI to find animal welfare job

By Paula Fitzsimmons

Searching for a solid way to reach out to potential employers? Consider sending a letter of introduction. As a freelance writer, I use LOIs to reach out to editors and clients, and ultimately land paying gigs. They’re an essential part of the professional freelancer’s arsenal, but they can also be used to land a job in just about any field, including animal welfare and care.

8 Ways for Animal Lovers to Find a Dream Job

Meerkat standing

By Paula Fitzsimmons

Ask ten different people working in the animal care field how they got their job, and you’ll likely get an assortment of replies. There are no right or wrong paths to gainful employment – what works for someone else may not necessarily be ideal for your situation.

Getting hired is sometimes simply the result of great timing, knowing someone who knows someone, and even luck. More often that not, it takes dogged determination and an awareness of which tools to use to your advantage.