Purrfect Work: Career & Business Ideas for Cat Lovers

Career & business ideas for cat lovers

By Paula Fitzsimmons

Have you ever thought about turning your passion for cats into paying work or a profitable business, but weren’t quite sure how to make that happen? You may be surprised at the variety of options available to you – and at the number of organizations seeking your passion and special skills.

I know, because opportunities working with cats and other animals regularly get posted on the Animal Jobs Digest jobs page.

Animal Lovers: Have You Considered Starting One of These Businesses?

Cat Business

By Paula Fitzsimmons

Aspiring animal-loving entrepreneurs have more options than ever. Starting a business – any business – used to be more complicated and expensive. The growth of technology, service providers, and funding options have opened doors.

Yet there are some things innovation can’t replace. Business owners still need to possess a strong work ethic, patience, and tenacity. That never changes. Success is often gradual, and despite what the adverts say, doesn’t happen effortlessly or without a learning curve. I speak from experience.

The Best Animal Lover Jobs for 2016 and Beyond?

Red fox in woods - animal careers

By Paula Fitzsimmons

Working for animals is a labor of love. If your career aspirations involve protecting some of this planet’s most defenseless creatures, there’s probably little that can keep you from your goals.

Including job forecasts.

I’m not a huge fan of basing career choices solely on statistics, and here are a few reasons why . . .