Find the Time (and Energy) to Volunteer

Coyote pup yawning

By Paula Fitzsimmons

If you want to stand apart from other applicants, having volunteer experience on your resume is essential. Look at it from the employer’s perspective: All things being equal, wouldn’t you be more inclined to choose the candidate who took the extra step? Volunteering shows you care – that you’re willing to give your time to something greater than yourself without expecting something in return.

How Volunteering Can Help Your Animal-Centered Career – And Where to Find the Best Opportunities

Tropical green birdBy Paula Fitzsimmons

Volunteering with an animal welfare organization or rescue may not yield a paycheck, but it can offer a host of other benefits. From meeting people who can very well introduce you to your next employer (or be your next employer) to learning valuable skills, giving your time to a nonprofit charity can help build your career – and enhance your personal life.