What Cecil the Lion’s Tragic Death Can Teach Us About Passion – in Activism & Career

African Lion with quoteBy Paula Fitzsimmons

The tragic death of Cecil, the lion killed outside of Zimbabwe’s Hwange National Park has sparked outrage. And rightly so. Trophy hunting – the killing of an animal for the sake of “sport” – is despicable in its own right. What adds to this fury is that Cecil was apparently beloved, and according to National Geographic, one of the region’s best known and most studied lions. And with fewer than 21,000 lions remaining in Africa (according to African Wildlife Foundation) how can trophy hunting even be justified?

Writer, Author . . . Animal Lover

Owl with BookBy Paula Fitzsimmons

You’re a wordsmith, someone who can effectively write to persuade, educate, and get people thinking and talking. What you’d probably like to know is how to turn those skills into a writing career – specifically, a career writing about animals or the environment.

If you’re like other writers, you may have started your journey with book and magazine markets. These are still feasible options, but are just one path to consider.